Find out what your home is worth

Estimate your property online. Find a real estate professional to assist you or receive the estimation report.

Estimate your house or flat

The Realo Estimate takes into account a multitude of data sets, including the neighbourhood of the property, historical asking price data in the area, the known data regarding the property and lots of other internal and public data sources.

More information about the Realo Estimate >
Public information Realo collects all publicly accessible information from homes and neighbourhoods to generate the estimate.
Your information The information you enter is crucial. The estimate gets more accurate as you answer more question.
Increasingly precise The technology behind the realo Estimate is self-learning. This allows the estimates to become increasingly accurate.


Detailed estimate reports

In addition to the valuation, you'll also receive an extensive estimate report packed full of interesting data to help you make important decisions.
Comparable homes Get an overview of some recent and comparable transactions in the area
Evolution of the estimate Get an evolution of the estimate up to the last 25 years
Neighbourhood comparison The average asking price of the neighborhood is compared with other close-by neighborhoods
Mobility Find out more information about the accessibility of nearby amenities
Rent estimate In addition to the sale estimate, an rent estimate will also be shown

How it works

Looking to sell and looking for help?
Start the estimation tool
Access the estimation tool via
Fill out the questionnaire
Please provide the correct address, select the appropriate property type, and indicate whether you're an owner.
Choose your report type
After selecting that you’re the owner you can choose between a free extended estimation report from an agent or creating a general report on Realo yourself.
Choose your professional for free
Compare and choose the professional that can contact you and provide you a free estimate report
Get your report:
And you’re all set! It’s that easy.
Looking to buy and do it yourself?
Start the estimation tool
Access the estimation tool via
Fill out the questionnaire
Please provide the correct address, select the appropriate property type, and indicate whether you're not an owner.
Purchase your report
Choose between a single report for €19,99 or an annual subscription.
Information about your property
Fill in the required details about the property to fine-tune the valuation.
Download your report
Enjoy knowing more about your prospects!

What others are saying about the Realo Estimate

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The Realo Estimate helped me to determine an asking price for my house. The estimate is amazingly accurate and moreover the accompanying report is very interesting!

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Getting a professional estimate is very expensive and cumbersome. The Realo Estimate is the exact opposite: straightforward, fast very complete.

Candidate owner